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Panasonic Lumix GH5: First Thoughts!

Panasonic GH5

Here it is!


My Panasonic Lumix GH5 just arrived today! I wanted to show some pictures of it and talk a bit about it. Keep in mind… I am NOT a film maker. I know enough about cameras to be a bit dangerous, but that’s it. I shoot videos of tornadoes in usually crummy low light situations that often don’t yield good video. That said, I am hopeful this camera will be a decent hybrid to allow for some still photography as well. Also, excuse the poor application of the screen protector… I had a few pieces of dirt I didn’t see I guess, will be getting a new protector soon 🙂

General Thoughts:

General Notes:


Panasonic GH5


GH5 Still Photo


Cropped GH5 Shot
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