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April 16th, 2015 11AM Chase Update — Texas Panhandle

Remnant Outflow Boundary?


Current time is 11am.. Headed west toward Clinton, OK to meet with some more chasers and get moving west. Headed to the Texas panhandle for now!

Not sure what these clouds will do, but the key will be finding some clearing and a good focus point for discrete convection.

Tornado threat looks decent, especially along any boundaries or near sunset as LLJ ramps up. It may be a near evening tornado threat, but I definitely think the risk is there. Currently I plan to stay along I40 and south. North could potentially be a wash with all the ongoing convection and clouds. Time will tell though.. Latest HazWRF and NSSL WRF support the idea of severe supercells further south (near and south of I40).

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4/16/15 Vis Sat as of 11AM
HazWRF3 Valid 4PM